About maxaa

About us

We remember the days when running a business without any advanced tech was acceptable. Well, not anymore. We saw the struggle first hand in 2020 when we founded Maxaa – passionate entrepreneurs bogged down by fragmented systems, clunky cash registers, and the constant IT headache. We knew there had to be a better way.

Fast forward to today, and We’re not just a company… We are a helping hand. We’ve built a powerful platform that merges retail tech and fintech seamlessly, so you can manage everything – payments, operations, customers, and more – from one intuitive dashboard.


Streamline IT systems, cash register management, and other technical tasks, allowing clients to focus on their core business activities.


Offer a complete retail ecosystem that addresses diverse needs, including POS management, inventory control, and customer engagement.

Empowerment Through Innovation

Provide cutting-edge solutions that revolutionize traditional retail approaches, empowering merchants with advanced tools and strategies.


Meet our
operational team

Helmuts Buļs

Team leader for developing new, innovative FinTech solutions for retail. Experienced in IT&T industry for more than 10 years, he has found his passion in retail FinTech solutions. Two of his Retail FinTech solutions participated in Visa/Mastercard Lighthouse program and maxaa received “Best FinTech in Baltics” award.

Leila Buļa

Sales & business outsourcing professional with working experience for more than 15 years in IT&T field related specifically to finance institutions and banking. Sales & customer care, business process effectiveness, outsourcing and business strategy – those fields are Leila’s part of responsibility in maxaa.

Burak Erdir

Burak Erdir is a seasoned professional with a robust background of 13 years in finance, with a particular emphasis on fintech solutions such as payment processing, virtual POS, and physical POS systems. Armed with a strong foundation in finance and economics, he has garnered extensive experience in harnessing technology to revolutionize traditional financial services.